YJ Vega Studio

Yellow/Orange Style bouquet (No.5)


Yellow and orange are often considered the brightest and most energizing of the warm colors. It's associated with happiness and sunshine. They are often considered the brightest and most energizing of the warm colors. It's associated with happiness and sunshine.

Size 1:tulip$8x2+one piece petal rose$10+galsang$8+leaf$8+berry$16+multihead rose$16=72:

Size 2:tulipx2+rosex2+berryx1+leafx1

Size 3:tulipx1+rosex1+galsangx1+berryx1+leafx1

Size 4:tulipx1+rosex1+berryx1+leafx1

Material 60% cotton, 40% milk acrylic with metal wire in leaf and petal.

All hand made crochet flowers~

Flower will be packed as a bouquet with wrap paper, the paper will be randomly picked based on the flower color style.